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How to scale the volume of Qualified SQLs if you are a lead-gen client

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Praduman Gupta | Senior Manager – Client Success

If you think, you can scale the Qualified SQLs by simply scaling your budget on performing digital campaigns, this won’t be the best approach beyond a point even if you articulate your lead form well or identify the campaigns which are giving you the cheapest CPL.

While scaling, you would realize that: 

  1. Although your number of SQLs are increasing but due to low conversion percentage, they are getting disqualified
  2. Even your high intent buckets in Google Search campaigns have started failing to give consistent results
  3. This is when your lead form is elaborate enough to filter out the junk traffic

When none of the above works, the “Offline Conversions” integration can only help you to scale the system without compromising the CR%.  

For one of our “Home Painting Services” clients, we started this experiment with a few campaigns for manually fed “Offline Conversions” back in ad-panels at regular intervals (Please read here how to integrate offline conversions manually in Google). 

Within 6 months time we were able to scale the system by 6X, increasing Qualified leads by 9X with a drop in CPWL by 36%.

Because of this experiment, we were able to scale:

  1. Now, apart from high intent buckets, even our mid intent buckets started giving great results in Google Search campaigns
  2. Even going ahead with broad match keywords didn’t result into low quality leads and helped us to scale the system