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An outlook beyond final conversions: A smarter approach to multi-step user journeys

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Kartik Sharma | Lead, Business Strategy & Analytics | ETML

Have you ever felt like you’re optimizing your marketing campaigns in the dark? You track events, but your KPIs seem lightyears away. This is a common struggle, especially for businesses with multi-step user journeys and high order value products. Focusing solely on the final conversion can lead to slow learning and frustration. Therefore, to address and overcome these challenges, we are sharing below a groundbreaking strategy.

Objective :

To share a two-tiered event optimization strategy to optimize marketing campaigns for multi-step user journeys, resulting in faster goal achievement and improved efficiency.

The Challenge:

 Events are crucial for understanding the user journey. They tell us where people interact with one’s platform. But what if that journey involves several steps before reaching your desired outcome, like a purchase or application submission?

Here’s the dilemma:

  • Optimizing for final conversions (like purchase) takes a long time for the platform to “learn” due to fewer data points.
  • Focusing on early events might not directly translate to achieving your goals.

The optimal selection of mid-funnel events for optimization varies brand to brand and is heavily influenced by their average order value (AOV). We observed that for businesses with lower AOV products, focusing solely on final conversions is sufficient. However, for brands with higher AOV offerings, the conversion window lengthens considerably as users conduct extensive research before the final purchase. In such cases, optimizing for events like add-to-cart and/or final purchases becomes counterproductive.  The first approach attracts low-quality  users, while the second extends the learning phase due to the extended conversion window.

Imagine a high AOV  e-commerce store where users have the option to customize jewelry. There are 17 steps before a purchase! Optimizing for the final step would mean waiting ages for the platform to learn.

FunnelNumber of Events per dayTime (days) for complete learning
ATC301-2 days
Checkout153-4 days
Add Payment Info77-9 days
Purchase150-60 days
The Solution: A Two-Tiered Approach for Event Optimization

To overcome this challenge, we developed a two-tiered event optimization strategy:

  • Continuous Scaling with Mid-Funnel Events: We created events for each step, allowing us to analyze drop-off rates and identify bottlenecks. This helped us continuously improve the user experience and scale working campaigns.
DefinitionMetaGGGA4Trigger (datalayer event & event label combination condition)
Apply Now Button Clickapply_now_btn_clickET-All Apply Now Button Clicket-apply_now_btn_clickApply Now
Sign up successComplete RegistrationET-Successful Sign upet-signup_successCreate Account
Email verificationemail_verifiedET-Successful_Mail_Verifyet-email_verifiedContinue
Check Eligibility – Initiateeligibility_initiateET-Eligibility_initiateet-eligibility_initiateClick Get Started
Eligibility CompleteLeadET-Eligibility_Completeet-eligibility_completeClick Continue
Personal Details CompleteContactET-Personal_Details_Completeet-personal_details_completeClick Next
Finance Details CompleteAdd Payment InfoET-Personal_Finance_Completeet-finance_details_completeClick Next
Previous Education CompleteStart trialET-Prev_Edu_Completeet-previous_edu_completeClick Next
Employment CompleteScheduleET-Employement_Completeet-employment_completeClick Next
Ineligible Errorineligible _pageviewET-Ineligible_Erroret-ineligible_error/ineligible-error
Application SubmitApplication SubmitET-Submit_Applicationet-application_submitClick Next
Provisional Offer AcceptedSubscribeET-Provisional_Offer_Acceptedet-provisional_offer_acceptedClick Accept
  • A/B Testing Top & Mid-Funnel Events: We created separate adsets, one optimizing for a strategically chosen mid-funnel event and another for the final KPI. A/B testing revealed which event drove the most conversions.

Selecting the optimal event for optimization isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it’s a strategic decision influenced by several key factors like : 

  1. Average order value (AOV) of the  products
  2. The typical user journey within the  industry, and/or
  3. Seasonal fluctuations in customer behavior.
The Results: Increased Sales and Reduced Costs

This approach has yielded impressive results for our clients:

  • For a Fintech client: By optimizing for a mid-funnel event and the final application submission (KPI), we significantly reduced CAC by 45% while increasing loan approvals. We could also scale the account by 4x times within a span of 3 months.
App Starts4001,1001,8002,500
App Submits130380630880
Loan Approved2080140200
Sign Loan Agreement1060110160
Cost per App Submitted$77$58$47$45
Cost per Loan Disbursed$780$590$470$440
  • For an ecommerce client: Optimizing for checkouts (a mid-funnel event) allowed us to build a retargeting funnel through push notifications, ultimately leading to a substantial increase in purchases by 3.4X. We could scale the campaign by 2.1xby this strategic call by keeping a desirable ROI for the client.
MonthCustom Jewellery InitiateCustom Jewellery CompleteCustom Jewellery Setting CompleteStd ATCCustom Jewellery ATCATCCheckoutS2S Purchase
September 20233,0009001,00020040060020040
October 20234,5001,3501,75030050080030060
November 20235,0001,5001,7505007001,200500120
December 20234,5001,3001,4004007001,100400100
January 20245,0001,6001,7503506001,10040080
February 20248,0002,5003,0007001,2001,800600110
March 202411,0003,0003,5005001,3001,800600120
April 20249,5002,5003,0005001,1001,600700130
May 20249,0002,5003,0005007001,200400130

(Disclaimer : All numbers in the above tables have been masked for brand’s data privacy)


By choosing the right events to optimize for, one can break free from the multi-step user journey maze. By combining mid-funnel event optimization with A/B testing, marketers can achieve their goals faster and with greater efficiency.  So, partner with ETML to start using data to illuminate your user journey and unlock hidden opportunities for growth.