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Growth Notes Apr’24

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How solving omnichannel attribution helped Atomberg to supercharge its business growth

From D2C Online D2C Website to Offline Retail –  ETML solved omnichannel marketing and attribution for Atomberg, driving business growth, both online and offline

Atomberg, a leading home appliance brand, wanted to understand how their online ads affected sales; both online and in stores.Partnering with ETML, the brand embarked on a journey to stitch together the user journey from online interactions to offline conversions, enabling a comprehensive attribution model. Through these efforts, Atomberg experienced a remarkable 79% increase in total orders and a 55% improvement in CAC, gaining better control and confidence in its online spends to fuel omnichannel business growth.

atomberg case study

Major highlights include : 

-Implementing omnichannel attribution

-Integrating offline conversions into campaign optimization

-Employing advanced data modeling to extract actionable insights.

Click here to read their case study in detail.


Industry calls for independent audit body to tackle ad fraud surge

With ad frauds becoming increasingly prevalent, advertisers, agencies, and other stakeholders are urging for a reliable and impartial audit mechanism to ensure transparency and accountability in digital advertising. The demand for an independent audit authority arises from the need to combat fraudulent practices effectively and safeguard advertisers’ investments. Various industry experts emphasize the importance of implementing stringent measures to mitigate ad frauds and restore trust in the digital advertising ecosystem.

Google reportedly planning to charge users for its generative AI-powered search feature

Google’s plans  to introduce a paid subscription model for its generative AI-powered search feature. This move marks a significant departure from Google’s traditional ad-supported model. According to reports, users would have the option to pay a monthly fee to access an enhanced search experience, powered by advanced AI capabilities. While details about the subscription model are still speculative, it highlights Google’s exploration of alternative revenue streams beyond advertising. This potential shift raises questions about the future of online search and the willingness of users to pay for premium search services.

AppsFlyer Data Reveals Increase in Ad Spend on iOS

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, particularly with Apple’s privacy changes, advertisers are adapting their strategies. AppsFlyer’s analysis suggests a significant shift in ad spending towards iOS devices, despite challenges posed by Apple’s App Tracking Transparency framework. This increase in spending underscores the importance of iOS as a crucial advertising platform and highlights advertisers’ efforts to navigate privacy-centric changes while maximizing their reach and effectiveness.


How a thorough UAC inventory analysis drove growth by 2.4X and slashed CAC by 29% for a Premium App Client

By conducting a thorough analysis of the brand’s UAC inventory, team ETML identified key areas for optimization and improvement. Through strategic adjustments and targeted optimizations, they achieved remarkable results. The success of this approach underscores the importance of data-driven analysis and optimization in maximizing the effectiveness of user acquisition campaigns. Click here to read in detail.

How to use advertising-led visibility for explosive organic growth on Amazon

This  blog delves into techniques such as optimizing product listings, utilizing sponsored ads, and capitalizing on Amazon’s algorithm to boost organic search rankings. By strategically integrating advertising efforts with organic growth initiatives, businesses can enhance their visibility and drive sales on the platform. Click here for actionable insights and tips for maximizing advertising-led visibility to achieve significant organic growth on Amazon.

ETML wins the  Bronze Medal in Performance Marketing category 

ETML has achieved a remarkable feat by winning the Bronze Medal in the Performance Marketing category of “India’s fastest growing digital agencies Edition V” awards for 2024. Their exceptional work has been duly recognized by Agency Reporter, underscoring their dedication and innovation in the digital marketing landscape. This accolade is a testament to ETML’s commitment to excellence and signifies their position as a leader in the industry.


Google Updates Definition Of ‘Top Ads’ In Search Results

Traditionally, “Top Ads” referred to the first three ads displayed at the top of search results. However, Google has now expanded this definition to include all ads that appear above the organic search results, regardless of their position on the page. This change aims to provide more clarity to advertisers and users about which ads are considered “Top Ads.” Read this article to understand  how this update may impact advertisers’ strategies and ad performance metrics.

Meta AI adds Google Search results

Meta is reportedly exploring ways to integrate AI technology into its platform to deliver more personalized and relevant search results to users. This development poses a challenge to Google’s long-standing dominance in the search space, as Meta has a vast user base and valuable data that could inform its search algorithms.

ChatGPT makes links more prominent

OpenAI has introduced “more prominent” links to sources in ChatGPT responses for paid users, aiming to provide better context and facilitate content discovery. This feature addresses concerns about generative AI’s lack of attribution and its impact on content creators. While this move is seen as a step in the right direction, it remains uncertain whether users will actually click on these links. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed interest in exploring ChatGPT’s integration with search, hinting at the possibility of developing a less conventional version of Google.


First Party Data Strategies to Drive Account-Based Marketing

Google’s Chrome browser will cease support for third-party cookies, impacting 30 million users. In response, marketers are adopting first-party data strategies, recognizing its accuracy and relevance for Account-Based Marketing (ABM). First-party data enables precise segmentation, personalized experiences, and the creation of lookalike audiences. By measuring engagement and conversion rates, marketers can refine their ABM strategies over time. Platforms like EasyInsights offer tools to maximize the potential of first-party data for enhanced marketing outcomes.

Google again delays blocking third-party cookies in Chrome browser

Google has once again postponed the removal of third-party cookies from its Chrome browser, now aiming for 2025, marking the third delay since its initial announcement in 2020. The decision follows concerns raised by UK regulators, particularly regarding Google’s Privacy Sandbox and its potential impact on competition and consumer privacy. Google is engaging with regulators and industry stakeholders to address concerns, with plans to proceed with cookie deprecation once agreements are reached. Despite the ongoing uncertainty, stakeholders have adapted to the prolonged timeline, which has exceeded four years.