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Are your ad copies hitting the mark? Check out our SEM ad copy checklist for best practices and optimization tips

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Pulkit Joshi | Lead – Business Innovations | ETML

In today’s competitive digital landscape, crafting compelling ad copies is essential for grabbing user attention and driving conversions. But let’s face it, creating top-notch ads can be a challenge.

Objective :

The primary objective of this checklist is to establish a streamlined and standardized process for creating and quality-checking SEM ad copies. It also aims to highlight the significance of tools like ad strength, ad relevance, and Quality Score (QS)  in optimizing ad setup for search ads. By adhering to these guidelines, advertisers can enhance their ad performance and achieve better results.

Why does ad copy matter?

A brand’s ad copy is the first impression on potential customers. It’s the digital handshake that can either entice them to click or send them scrolling. A well-crafted ad can significantly impact:

  • Quality Score: Comprising ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected CTR, Quality Score is a key determinant of one’s ad’s success
  • Ad Strength: As defined by Google, ad strength is crucial for making a strong first impression. It is not influenced by current ad performance but focuses on the potential to drive future success. Ads with high strength have been shown to increase conversion rates by up to 12%

CTR and Conversion Rates: Well-crafted ad copies can significantly improve CTR and conversion rates, leading to better ROI

Best Practices for Writing SEM Ad Copies :

1. Keyword rich headlines and descriptions:

  • Relevant keywords should be identified and targeted within an ad group and they should be incorporated into ad headlines and descriptions.
  • Focus should be on the user search intent.  The keywords must be analyzed to fit in as such that the ad relevance is being increased.
  •  Different variations should be tested to optimize performance.

  This approach helps increase the Ad Relevance and Ad Strength

2. Clear and concise headline:

  • It should be ensured that the headline clearly communicates the offering to the customer. It should be brief and avoid unnecessary words.
  • Short sentences and simple words should be used to make the ad easy to scan.

This practice can increase the number of clicks the ad receives.

3. Strong and creative CTA:

  • Strong CTAs  like “Buy now” or “Sign up today” should be used to encourage action. A CTA should be incorporated into the ad headline whenever possible.
  • Clear instructions should be provided to make it easy for users to take the desired action.

This approach will help achieve better landing page experience by setting up the right expectations for customers when clicking.

4. Highlight Unique Selling Proposition (USP) : 

  • The USPs  should be highlighted prominently in the ad copy. It should be one of the first things that potential customers see.
  • The USP should explain why the product or service is better than competitors. Features like lower prices, interest rates, or unique characteristics should be highlighted.

This approach will help stand out from the competitors and highlight the brand’s strengths.

5. Utilize the character limits of assets:

  • The full 30 characters for each of the three headlines should be used to grab attention and convey key messages.
  •  The two 90-character descriptions should be fully used to give more details about the products, benefits, and unique selling points.
  • The display URL should be customized to include relevant keywords and give users a glimpse of the landing page’s content.

This practice improves Ad strength.

6. Address audience objections:

  •  Common concerns from customers, found through feedback and research, should be identified.
  • Attention-grabbing headlines should be crafted to directly address the primary objections the audience may have.
  • The description should be utilized to offer clear and concise solutions to the objections raised in the headlines.

By implementing this practice, many of the dropoffs down the funnel can be managed and keep potential customers from leaving the sales process.

7. Create a sense of urgency:

  •  Phrases like  “limited time only,” “act now,” or “while supplies last” should be utilized to create a sense of urgency.
  • Limited-time offers or discounts should be provided to encourage quick action, such as a 10% discount for those who click within the next 24 hours.

This practice will help increase the Expected CTR%.

8. Use of numbers & statistics:

  • Odd numbers should be incorporated to grab attention, such as “Get 3X more results” or “Save 17% today!”
  • Specific numbers should be included to build trust, such as “Over 1,000 satisfied customers” or “Achieve a 92% success rate.”
  • The value of the product or service should be highlighted with large numbers, such as “Unlock savings worth $500” or “Access over 10,000 resources.”

This practice will help increase the Expected CTR%.


The SEM ad copy launch checklist is provided as a comprehensive guide to ensure the application of best practices in ad copywriting. By focusing on key metrics like Quality Score and ad strength, the effectiveness of campaigns can be improved. A standardized approach should be adopted, as it not only enhances ad performance but also helps achieve better CTR, conversion rates, and overall ROI. As the digital landscape evolves, staying updated with the latest trends and tools will be crucial to maintaining a competitive edge in SEM.

Do you have any specific questions about crafting effective ad copy? We’re here to help! Click here to contact us.