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Find out how we boosted performance with winning keyword strategies for high-converting shopping feeds

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Kartik Sharma | Lead, Business Strategy & Analytics | ETML

Running an e-commerce business is tough. Between managing inventory, crafting compelling marketing campaigns, and keeping up with the latest trends, it can feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. But one of the biggest challenges most online retailers face is simply getting their products seen by potential customers.

Sound familiar? If you’re nodding your head right now, then this blog is for you.


Enhance visibility and sales with shopping feed optimization

Many e-commerce businesses struggle to stand out in a crowded marketplace. This was the case for our client in the highly competitive lab diamond industry. Despite significant daily competitor spending, our client’s monthly budget wasn’t translating into sufficient impression share on the Shopping Network, a crucial channel for e-commerce success.


Limited visibility on shopping network

Our initial strategy relied heavily on Performance Max campaigns,but only a mere percentage of 2-5% was going into the shopping network. This limited our client’s reach and visibility. Increasing bids proved ineffective, and our shopping ads consistently ranked poorly compared to competitors. Organic shopping feed performance was also subpar, indicating scope of improvement within the feed itself. With over 20,000 products at our disposal, we were underutilizing valuable resources for client growth.


Shopping feed optimization

We implemented a multi-pronged approach to optimize the shopping feed:

Enriched Titles: We prioritized brand names and USPs at the beginning of titles. The format – “Brand + Metal Color + Metal + Product + Product Type + Karat + Other Attributes (USP: Customized, etc.)” improved clarity and searchability.

Keyword Integration: We strategically placed relevant keywords within the first 25-30 characters of titles, a critical factor in shopping auction participation. Broader keywords were added to increase impressions, while more trending keywords were incorporated into the description to attract the right audience thus boosting our CTRs.

Description Optimization: Descriptions were updated with trending search terms to enhance relevance and user experience.

Prioritizing Clarity: We avoided including product weight in the title’s beginning, focusing on user-centric information.


 These optimizations yielded significant improvements:

  • Increased Search Impression Share: Our client’s shopping ads gained greater visibility over time.

  • Organic Visibility Boost: Organic shopping feed performance also improved, leading to increased visibility without paid advertising.

  • Optimized Budget Allocation: The Shopping Network budget share grew month on month, reflecting its effectiveness.

Shopping % Split of our Major Perf Max Campaign
MonthTotal CostShopping Network Cost% Split
November ’23$8,000$2,40030.00%
December ’23$8,020$2,55031.80%
January ’24$10,000$3,40034.00%
Feb ’24$38,000$25,50067.11%
(Disclaimer : The numbers have been masked for brand’s data privacy)

The power of a well-optimized shopping feed is undeniable. By prioritizing clear titles, strategic keyword placement, and user-centric descriptions, we transformed our client’s online presence. This data-driven approach demonstrates the immense potential of optimizing your Shopping feed to gain a competitive edge and achieve your e-commerce goals.